
Build Know-how: A conspiracy between good and bad

Build Know-how: A conspiracy between good and bad

Feel it.. your life. Ask how… close your eyes to see… keep silence to feel the existence of yourself… Stop hearing to listen the rhythm of the wind. Thousands of people and thousands of thought, you will get when you ask about anything. It’s okay. Don’t get confused. Cause it’s a simple math.

Let me clear, it’s all about discovering the truth- it’s all – whatever we see, feel, hear & think. Don’t be a lunatic with no knowledge about anything, it’s always our call to wake up… But we always fail to realize, so feel it however you can… to take your call.. It’s always ringing in somewhere in your head or your heart.. the only barrier is the time in between of taking the call.

I believe you can, do you believe yourself? Keep smiling to be happy… 🙂